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Massage offerings & rates

Basic sensual
Specific focus


Four delicious types of sensual massage, all at the same rates.  Click the links below for descriptions.

Basic sensual massage

The basic sensual massage, honouring your whole body.

Rates ~ Book now 

BYO cannabis sensual massage

Many clients find that cannabis enhances their massage experience.  Bring your own, and you can smoke/vape after we've had a short discussion of intentions and boundaries, before the massage itself.

Rates ~ Book now 

Sensual massage with guided meditations

The basic sensual massage, plus short (3-5 minute) guided meditations at start, middle and end, to deepen your experience. Relaxation, heart-opening, self-acceptance, spiritual connection, or other themes as you wish.

Rates ~ Book now 

Specific focus massage or support

For those who wish to combine sensual massage with specific erotic growth intentions. Some examples include gender affirmation, sexual boundary and trust issues, identifying your desire, premature ejaculation, tight or sensitive foreskin, unresolved circumcision grief, or other issues.

In addition to or instead of a massage, we'll agree on supportive touch exercises.  These could include guided or witnessed self-touch, focussed massage techniques, boundary-setting exercises, directed touch (“bossy massage”), ejaculation control, etc.), and more.

Rates ~ Book now 

Four-handed massage

A four-handed sensual massage from two masseurs can be arranged. If you're interested, please contact me for rates and availability

For couples (& friends!)

Strengthen your connection with your partner through sensual touch! Session includes some basic principles, a ritual undressing, and Jeff will guide you each through a 40 minute two-and four-handed full-body massage on your partner.  Open to couples of all genders. (Apologies to poly folks, but I'm not able to accommodate more than two clients at once.)

For a two-and-a-half hour session, my standard rate is $350, or $375 'generous' rate for those can afford a little more, or $300 for those on limited incomes

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I have a sliding scale, to support diverse clientele. What you pay is up to you; I trust my clients' integrity.

As of August 1st 2024, my fees are:​

Massage fees for website 2024-08-01.png

The time shown is how long you'll be on the massage table.  The entire visit is typically 20-30 minutes longer, to allow for the initial conversation, and getting changed before and after.

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